Dreams-Wonders of Sleep

Dreams are the beautiful imaginations which includes images, thoughts, and emotions that are experienced during sleep. Some dreams are joyful, while others are frightening or sad. Sometimes dreams seem to have a clear narrative, while many others appear to make no sense at all. Sometimes people incline to dream and live a fictional life. Have you ever wondered “Why do we dream?” Read below to find out…. Have fun Reading!!!

Whether you remember it or not, you dream every night. They’re a normal part of sleep — something we spend one-third of our life doing. Researchers are still in a quest to understand why we dream. We still don’t have any definite answers, we only have some theories.

  • We dream to heal our mental conditions.
  • Dreaming helps facilitate our creativity.
  • It represents our unconscious desires and wishes.
  • Dreams help you store important memories and things you’ve learned, get rid of unimportant memories, and sort through complicated thoughts and feelings.

There many types of dreams…


Facts On Dreams

1.   The Scientific study of dreams is called oneirology.

2.   Dreams most likely happen during rapid-eye movement ( REM )stage of sleep – when brain activity is high and resembles that  of being awake.

3.   We may not remember dreaming, but everyone is thought to dream between 3 and 6 times per night

4.   It is thought that each dream lasts between 5 to 20 minutes.

5.   Around 95 percent of dreams are forgotten by the time a person gets out of bed.

6.   Dreaming can help you learn and develop long-term memories.

7.   Blind people dream more with other sensory components compared with sighted people.

8.   Toddler dreams are usually just snapshots, looking much more like a slideshow than a movie, when compared to dream of adults.

9.   Babies spend half of their sleep in REM (the cycle responsible for dreams). When babies are in REM , it allows their brain to develop pathways, connections, and eventually, learn languages.

10. Around 12 percent of people dream in black and white.

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